Written by Kseniia and Jaya.
Christmas break is long gone yet we are getting right
into the winter semester and as time passes, it’s week 5 already. How we
describe our week, since we both are huge FRIENDS
fans, is in Joey’s style:
Monday, one-day,
Tuesday, two-day,
Wednesday, when? Huh?
What day?
Thursday, the third day
... and finally, its Fri-yay!!! (Friday).
Our Advertising program involves a lot of
incredible courses, each of which will be 100% useful in the workplace. Digital and Advertising planning, Media,
Sales, Marketing – these are areas that we have connected to for a long timeJ
And now let’s all
imagine, that we’re here all together, experiencing our Sheridan Week. Follow us!
Monday – For fresh start!
Tell us if you know anyone who likes to wake up early in morning on BLUE MONDAY. But life is too short to
sleep, so we’ re taking our shuttles (which by the way we
consider as another great convenience that Sheridan did for its students). In a
rush to get to Media Planning class (because duh! traffic and snow, not a good
combination). Our Media Planning professor can make our 8 am class very interesting with
various in-class activities and also, he is funny (If he reads this, sure he is
going to like being called funnyJ).
Tuesday – Umm is it 5pm already?
Tuesday for us means a long day but time flies so
fast. We have classes from 9am until 5 pm, with a 2 hour break. Some of you may
think that’s too much in one day
but we are not at all saddened by this! We take this as another great
opportunity to spend time learning new things in school, spending time in the
library, working on assignments and of course spending time with our friends, having
lunch discussing so many things.
Wednesday – Valentine’s day is here! Share your love
Since Monday we can see the college in
general and especially Starbucks are decorated with hearts and kisses! And that
has already created an atmosphere of the holiday – VALENTINE’S DAY! By the way, have
you ever thought about the origin of this holiday? Take some time and read this
great article about the history of this bright day.
On this day, we had
two guest speakers, Nishan Singh and Gurpartap Singh. We consider this as a
great opportunity, where we meet professionals from the industry, where they
share relevant industry information with us in their own personal way. We were
extremely pleased to know that one of them is Sheridan alumni, who got to his
first job from Sheridan Co-op. When we asked him about what is that one advice
he would like to give for fresher’s like us, he said,“To keep yourself updated about current marketing
trends, read blogs and any articles you see on internet. That is one key
strategy that will be useful during interviews and career in general... Co-op
is a huge milestone in your career for someone who is just starting out," he
Thursday – God Bless Thursday!
We consider Thursday as a day where we are being prepared towards our
career, not that we don’t feel the same in
other classes. We have co-op class on this day where they teach us:
- how to build our resume and cover letter
- how to apply for jobs
- how to speak during an interview
As we all understand how important it is to have
a good resume that can fully represent you as an individual and also your
professional skills, we want to share with you one extremely useful website, which can give you
great understanding of how your resume
and cover letter should look and what you need to include, in order to be
hired. Take a look and good luck!
What we really noticed that every student has his/her
favourite special place in college. Someone prefer to stay in the great
cafeteria area in B-Wing, some in the Library, others in different spots around
the campus. This Thursday, the majority of students wanted to find a place in the
food court in A-wing. Absolutely clear why! Talented students of Sheridan arrived to perform and create a great
atmosphere for others. So, studying and chilling with friends while listening
to the music was a wonderful experience for all of us.
Friday – And its Fri-yay
And finally, the day arrives that
every student, and we are quite sure even Faculty look forward –Friday!
Finally, after all of our school responsibilities
are fulfilled, just imagine how much we tend to party tonight! J Since
we also happen to be best friends.
And finally, what we’d like to say!
Even if it has been a hectic week or like we said above, a
‘rollercoaster’ ride, we still enjoyed every bit of it. The rush, the thrill we
get when we finish each of our assignments, is unreal. We consider ourselves
lucky to be part of Sheridan College, to be guided by such amazing professors
and helpful classmates. Through riots of laughter and giggles we got through
this week and we are sure we will get through this entire semester with flying
Too many memories. #Nostalgic. - Jaya!